
Submitting a proposal is done through The National Network for Cryo-Electron Tomography’s official application portal at: Please submit a detailed proposal, supporting data and an up-to-date NIH biosketch. Also, be sure to indicate NCITU as your preferred institution if you are interested in our specific services such as the Waffle Method (REF: All proposals are scored by an external review committee, and will be allocated time and resources based on the overall score received.

NCITU is funded entirely by the NIH, which allows us to offer training and instrument access free of charge. As a result, we do need to gather certain information from all our users regarding their research, career levels, grants, publications, etc. The information you provide through the portal will be shared with the NIH and The National Network for Cryo-Electron Tomography.

Once you are ready to ship your samples, please visit our shipping information page at: All forms required by NCITU before shipping, as well as additional information, can be found there.

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